Dispossession, confiscation, appropriation: property rights of minorities in modern Turkey

By Dr. Ellinor Morack

June 25, 2024
6 pm U.K. time

The Anglo-Turkish Society will have an online Zoom lecture with Dr. Ellinor Morack on June 25th at 6 pm. Booking is necessary.
Dr. Morack will trace the legal, conceptual and social history of “abandoned” property in republican Turkey. After providing a sketch of the legal framework and its development, she will discuss several disputes surrounding such property, showing how these were related to process nation- building in modern Turkey. In this presentation, Dr.Morack will trace the legal, conceptual and social history of “abandoned” property in republican Turkey. After providing a sketch of the legal framework and its development, she will discuss several disputes surrounding such property, showing how these were related to the process of nation-building in modern Turkey. Dr. Ellinor Morack is a research and teaching associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at Bamberg University, Germany. She holds an MA (2008) and a Dr. phil. (2013) in history from Freie Universität Berlin. After two years as a post-doctoral fellow of the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2013–15), she started her current position at Bamberg in 2015. As a historian specializing in the history of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey, she has published a book and several articles on various aspects of “abandoned property” and the Greek-Turkish population exchange (2014, 2017, 2020, 2023), the history of emotions (2017), memoirs-as-historiography in Turkey (2017), the “phantom pain” of non-Muslim labor in early republican Turkey (2019), parliamentary history (2021) and Gog and Magog in late Ottoman texts (2023).

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