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Talent Unlimited Benefit Concert

Leighton House

November 20, 2024
7 pm
Ticket prices for this concert include the reception drinks during the interval. Adults £40, Students with valid ID £25. No admittance to those under the age of 18. Tickets available at this LINK

Leighton House Museum, 12 Holland Park Road, London W14 8LZ

Talent Unlimited welcomes all to an evening benefit concert at Leighton House in Kensington, 20 November, 7pm. The multi-award winner musicians are Laure Chan, violin, and Dina Duisen, piano.

Talent Unlimited was founded as a British charity in 2010 with the aim of helping musicians of exceptional talent. The number of musicians applying to join is expanding all the time. We give concert exposure, guidance and websites to many musicians. We also help them with their professional development.

This gorgeous venue was once the former home of Sir Frederic Leighton, British Victorian painter, draughtsman and sculptor. His works depicted historical, biblical and classical subject matter. The concert will take place in Frederic Leighton’s studio, surrounded by wonderful Pre-Raphaelite works. Read about Leighton House in Cornucopia Issue 10. Leighton’s Orient by Caroline Juler.

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