The bicentenary of the Greek War of Independence of 1821 offers a timely opportunity for a re-evaluation of travel and archaeology in the age of revolution. The conference foregrounds diversity and small-scale engagements with the landscape and material past of Ottoman Greece at a time of political tension and explosive violence. The conference will explore the perspectives of both foreign travellers and local inhabitants in order to tease out diverse voices, keeping a sharp focus on the effects of ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, social status and disability.
Confirmed speakers: Mélissa Bernier (École normale supérieure, Paris), Elisabeth Fraser (University of South Florida), Constanze Guthenke (University of Oxford), Jason König (University of St Andrews), Charalambos Minaoglou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Stephen Minta (University of York), Emily Neumeier (Temple University, The Tyler School of Art and Architecture), Estelle Strazdins (University of Queensland), Alessia Zambon (Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris).