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Bonhams Islamic and Indian Art Autumn 2021

October 25, 2021

Bonhams New Bond Street, 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR, UK

Items to amuse the Ottoman palate range from a portrait of Süleyman the Magnificent, engraved in Innsbruck in 1601, to an Ottoman leather wallet inscribed ‘Constantinople 1768’ and bows and arrows made in 1848–49. A collection of hoşaf spoons is once again incorrectly described as sherbet spoons – try drinking lemonade with a spoon. A charming pair of Ottoman slippers once belonged to William Hook Morley ((1815-1860), the trustee and librarian of the Royal Asiatic Society who discovered the missing manuscript of the Jami’ al-tawarikh of Rashid-al-Din Hamdani. Early on in the auction is a remarkable collection of Sogdian Samite textiles from Central Asia dated to between the 7th and 9th centuries AD.

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