Contact: Julie Witford
Telephone: +44 (0)1450 379933
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Jenny Biddle in concert

Presented by String Theory

January 20, 2020
Monday 7 for 7.30pm
£5 at the door, donation bar

Unit Four: The Cornucopia Room, 4 Towerdykeside, Hawick TD9 9EA

With her 8th album under way, independent musician and multi-instrumentalist, Jenny Biddle, fashions an infectious mix of down-to-earth modern folk for the wandering soul.

“Jenny Biddle, wraps herself around her guitar, and like a marriage between body and instrument, she commands the guitar to talk with uncommon skill and absolute self-assurance” (Syke, 2013).

Her audience is compelled to join her on a voyage of passion and story in song.

Contact: Julie Witford
Telephone: +44 (0)1450 379933 ......
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