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Selim III: A Sultan with Two States

A Talk by Professor Hakan Erdem

November 20, 2019
19:30 – 21:00 GMT
Admission is free but registration is essential via Eventbrite.

Yunus Emre Institute in London, 10 Maple Street, W1T 5HA, London, UK

The Ottoman Empire under the rule of Selim III (1789- 1807) had experienced a number of profound changes. Unable to abolish the old Janissary army, the Sultan established a new one in addition. Likewise, he ordered the founding of a second treasury to finance his new army.

This presentation argues that there was a similar bifurcation as far as the Ottoman government itself was concerned. A “kitchen cabinet” has ruled the empire with fateful consequences for almost two decades at a time of war and revolution in Europe.

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