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Museums | European City

  • The Pera Museum

    Meşrutiyet Cad 65, Tepebaşı, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 334 9900

    Normal visiting hours: Tues–Sat: 10.00–19.00; Sun: 12 noon–18.00
    Covid restricted hours: Tues–Sat: 11–18.00 (for updates see [Plan your Visit](
    Entrance: TL25. Free entrance for students on Wednesdays, and for everyone Fridays 16.00–18.00

  • Arter

    Irmak Caddesi 13, Dolapdere, Beyoğlu, 34435 İstanbul
    +90 212 708 58 00
    PANDEMIC OPENING TIMES, FROM JUNE 16 Revised visiting hours during this period will be 11-17 daily, closed Monday. REGULAR OPENING TIMES (Suspended): Tues-Sun 11–7; Thursday 11–8; Sat Late (first Saturday of each month) 11am–12 midnight; closed Monday
  • Istanbul Modern

    Kılıç Ali Paşa Mahallesi, No:1/1, Tophane İskele Caddesi No:1, Beyoğlu, 34433 Istanbul
    +90 212 334 7300 ‎

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.00–18.00, Friday: 10.00–20.00. Monday closed.

  • Jewish Museum of Turkey

    Büyük Hendek Cad.No 39, Bereketzade Mah., Şişhane, Beyoglu 34421 Istanbul
    +90 212 292 63 33 / 34
    Mon–Thu: 10.00–16.00, Fri: 10.00–14.00, Sun: 10.00–14.00
  • SALT Beyoğlu

    İstiklâl Caddesi 136, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 377 42 00

    Tues-Sat 12.00-20.00 / Exhibition and Winter Garden 12.00-20.00
    Sun 10.00-18.00 / Exhibition and Winter Garden 12.00-18.00
    Closed on the first and second days of Eid and Greater Eid;
    New Year’s Day and Labor Day.

  • National Palaces Painting Museum

    Dolmabahçe Caddesi, Beşiktaş, Istanbul
    +90 212 236 90 00
    Tue–Wed, Fri–Sun: 9.00–16.00
  • MSGSÜ Painting and Sculpture Museum

    Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi, Liman İşletmeleri Sahası, Antrepo No. 5 Tophane, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 244 18 34
    Tue–Fri: 10.00–17.00; Sat–Sun: 11.00–18.00
  • SALT Galata

    Bankalar Caddesi 11, Karaköy, Istanbul
    +90 212 334 22 00
    Tue–Sat: 12.00–20.00; Sun: 12.00–18.00
  • Türvak Museum of Cinema and Theatre

    Yeniçarşı Cad 24, Beyoğlu, İstanbul
    +90 212 245 80 92
    Daily 10am–6pm; closed Monday. Entrance TL10
  • Istanbul Research Institute

    Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 47, Tepebaşı, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    Monday-Saturday 10am – 7pm (Sundays Closed)
  • Galata Tower

    Galata Külesi, Bereketzade Mh., Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 292 0300
    Daily: 9.00–17.00 (but check website)
  • Contemporary Istanbul 2012

    Lutfi Kırdar International Convention & Exhibition Center, Gümüş Cad. 4, Harbiye, 34367 Istanbul
    +90 212 244 7171
    22-25 November 2012
  • Istanbul Modern Temporary Space

    Meşrutiyet Caddesi No. 99, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 334 7300 ‎
    Tue–Sun: 10.00–18.00, Thu: 10.00–20.00
  • The Galata Mevlevihane

    Galata Mevlevihanesi Museum, Galip Dede Cad 15, Beyoğlu, Istanbul
    +90 212 245 4141

    April 15–Oct 1: 9am–7pm; Oct 2–April 14: 9am–5pm

  • Museum of Innocence

    Çukurcuma Caddesi, Dalgıç Çıkmazı, 2, 34425, Beyoğlu.
    00 90 212 252 97 38
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 10.00-18.00. Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00. Tickets: Adults: 25 TL, Students: 10 TL.
  • Ara Güler Museum

    Bomontiada, Tarihi Bomoni Bira Fabrikası, Birahane Sok 1, Bomonti, Istanbul
    +90 212 335 9595
  • Military Museum

    Istanbul Military Museum (Askeri Müze)‎, Valikonağı Caddesi, Harbiye, 34298 Istanbul, Turkey
    +90 212 233 2720
  • ANAMED Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations

    İstiklal Caddesi No. 181, Merkez Han, Beyoğlu, İstanbul
    + 90 212 393 6000
    Tues–Sat 10.00–18.30; Sun 12.00–18.30.
  • Meşher

    Tomtom Mahallesi, İstiklal Cd. No:211, 34433 Beyoğlu/İstanbul
    +90 (212) 708 59 00
    Meşher will be opening on September 13, 2019. Tuesday to Sunday: 11am – 7pm Long Fridays: 11am – 8pm Free Admission
  • Orhan Kemal Museum

    Akarsu Caddesi No. 30, Cihangir
    +90 212 292 92 45 / 12 13
    Mon – Sat 10.00–18.00
  • The Galatasaray Museum

    Galatasaray Üniversitesi Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi İstiklal Caddesi No:90 Beyoğlu İstanbul
    +90 212 293 49 86 Sun.10am-6pm
  • Naval Museum

    Deniz Müzesi, Sinanpaşa Mh., 34353 Beşiktaş/Istanbul, Turkey
    +90 212 327 4343.

    Tue–Sun: 9.00–17.00

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