In memory of Bryer

By John Scott | November 11, 2016

It was with enormous sadness that we learned of the passing of the great Byzantine historian Anthony Bryer. The funeral service was held yesterday at St Peter's Church, Harborne, in Birmingham. Professor Emeritus of Byzantine Studies at the University of Birmingham, or simply Bryer, as he was known to all,...
Posted in History, Obituaries

Gifts from the Shah

‘Shah Abbas’ Gifts to the Serenissima’ exhibition

By Cornucopia UK | March 19, 2014

A fascinating exhibition on display at the Chamber of the Scrutinio in the Doge’s Palace in Venice traces the history of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Venice and the Safavid Persia under the rule of Shah Abbas the Great (1587–1629). The show specifically highlights the gifts exchanged between the two powers...
Posted in Contemporary Art, Exhibitions, Fine Art, History, Islamic Art

Casting an expert eye on the Yedikule bostans

Archaeobotany workshop with Dr Chantel White

By Victoria Khroundina | August 17, 2013

Cornucopia’s editor John Scott gave his keen observations of last Wednesday’s archaeobotany workshop at Yedikule bostans (gardens) with Dr Chantel White in yesterday’s blog. Today I will take you through Chantel’s own observations. The area of the Yedikule gardens marked on a map of Istanbul A bit of background: the...
Posted in Culinary Arts, History, News, Talks and Lectures

Heartbreak bostan

The ongoing destruction of Istanbul's cultural heritage

By John Scott | July 8, 2013

YEDİKULE YEDİKULE YEDİKULE!  Before reading this, fling open your window, fill your lungs with air and bellow 'Yedikule!' three times very fast. For anyone in earshot who ever called Istanbul home, it will bring a tear to the eye. Now sit down and brace yourself. This is yet another sad...
Posted in Architecture, Culinary Arts, History, News, - Gezi Protests, Travel
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