In Memoriam - Murad Megalli

By Cornucopia TR | February 9, 2011

We are saddened to report the news that Murad Megalli, best known to Cornucopia readers as a collector of textiles (see issue 44), was killed in a plane crash in northern Iraq on 5 February along with six others. He recently donated his spectacular collection of Central Asian ikats (see above) to the Textile Museum in Washington, where they form the basis of the ongoing Colors of the Oasis: Central Asian Ikats exhibition. As Murat Köprülü, Chairman of the American Turkish Society, wrote in his obituary:" An outstanding business executive and a good friend, Murad was a generous contributor of ideas, time and support to our organisation and the advancement of U.S.-Turkish economic and cultural ties. We will remember him fondly and miss him terribly."

Tagged american turkish society, ikat, murad megalli, textile museum, textiles, washington
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